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Shame on you Katie.

I can´t wrap my head around Gemma is gone from fashion; Several days ago, I wrote a post about the enchanted dolls, such a beautiful dolls that reminded me her, they were kind of an introduction to the subject: Miss Ward. I wrote the essentials: measures, prices, and of course the responsible of such a great craft work: Marina Bychkova
My post featured  4 clips;  3 from different angles of Chimera (the doll I think looks exactly like Gem) , and one from the current LOVE cover, landed by Buela, a doll from her personal collection, which was photographed by Mert and Marcus, with a lovely Louis Vuitton Dress.

I ASSUMED myself that doll belonged to "Enchanted Dolls" since there was no mention to the creator: and here´s the subject.
They didn´t give any credit  for her work, which I found so tasteless and made me kind of sick; Everybody wanted to know where the doll came from, I knew was Marina´s because a knew her work  long before --what she´s done so far, pleasuring our eyes, is just payless--, and what Katie Grand, or whoever from her team did, has no name.
Like she said on her blog: May be is an unfortunate mistake, but damage is already done.
 I don´t know whose fault is, but let´s do what crowd loves to. blame the first come into our minds!
Katie´s turn.

Belive me or not, I just added the glasses, no more.
God did the rest.

What about this one, in her favourite Dolce gay Chewbacca disguise. Works for Anna Dello Russo, but in her, looks she´s handing out some flyers  for  the gay version of StarWars premier.

Stop being mean, watch the slideshow and get enchanted.
Yes. more dolls.
Kind of addictive though.


Antonio said...

Me parecen un puntazo estas muñecas.
Sorprendente la embarazada y los detalles de caras de algunas, como los labios u ojos. Creo que tienen mucho mérito y trabajo y no reconocerlo, mencionando a la creadora cuando se publiquen fotos de ellas, es como mínimo una putada.

Rue des Modèles said...

First pic is amazing!!! I love the last one too =)

Pet. said...

I can't wait to see the magazine in print, I´m actually agree with you. The gay chewbaca coat just works for dello russo.