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Cover Girl

When did Kate got to the point of no return?

An easy answer, I think… not sure.
I guess all of you have pictured the sniffing scene, that, on my humble opinion, got her to the top, and what I mean by top? Well, the fact of turning from famous through the fashion spot -Very popular, but just into the mentioned elite- To famous, but… really famous! in every sense of the word, having now all the crowd clamoring for more, and of course TMZ, The Sun, Perez Hilton and no end of sensationalistic and gutter media in order to allay the audience needs -yes, your needs - have been following every Kate´s step giving her the ICON status.
My Father, my mother, the guy from the grocery store, and I think even my grand pa know who Kate Moss is. And this is the price she´s to pay:

I´m so not into Kate.
Im a little reluctant to buy a mag with her on cover; I think it twice before picking it up when I´m in  the newsstand, so let me know if that happens to you too, Maybe I´d finally find my soul mate, would be a little bit difficult, cause in this case,  everybody is sort of bewitched by her.

1 comment:

P. said...

oh my god! what is wrong with these people??? leave her alone! it drives me mad this video! poor girl!
thanks for posting this, it made me think twice about consuming those lovely editorials about her streetstyle!!
Saludos from Buenos Aires.